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Writer's picturegelicrisio73


It is important to note that the French Constitutional Court partially invalidates the corporate duly of Vigilance Law (or “duty of care”); cause-to-effect relationship is established between these breaches - Article Litigation - Arbitration - White Collar Crime Public - Regulatory – Environment.

Why hasn’t anyone taken Article Litigation against the European Union via the French Constitutional Court?

I’m not a lover of the English and I particularly disapprove of the way they like to run the French down at every opportunity, simply because the French are BRILLIANT and better; the English are known for their arrogance and the French, aren’t the only one’s they’re jealous of.

However, I must admit that for the first time ever, the English have actually done something to impress me. The BREXIT Campaign and the pursuit to take their country back, defying the European Union and saving their democracy.

The European Union, as we all know are dictators and dictatorship destroys democracy.

I believe this problem started with the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty, that the French voted against. It should never have been introduced because it overrides constitutional rights and allows a foreign power – the European Union – to make decisions for member states interdependently of the involvement of citizens belonging to those member states. This is evident in all the riots we’ve had in PARIS and FRANCE, since November 2018, because of policies that are bleeding the tax-payers dry; and while everybody is busy blaming ‘Macron’, the European Union, are quietly sitting in the background pocketing their taxes.

The problem is coming from above Macron’s head (the President of the French Republic); and if ‘Macron’ resigns and we put someone else in his place (for example), the new President of the French Republic is going to do nothing different because the dictatorship is forced upon by the European Union, who will still tell France, what to do with their taxes.

To remove the problem, we have to remove the European Union, and this is what the English understood after the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty. They studied it and provided the information to the public and then allowed the English tax payers to decide through a referendum; whether they wanted to continue their membership with the European Union or not?

In addition, the English voters also complained about terrorism and the level of high end crime that has come through their borders since the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty; and how little action (or none), from the European Union, has resulted in the situation worsening.

Immigration was also a concern; it was estimated that in between 800,000 and 1.2 million unauthorized migrants were living in the UK in 2017, and among them terrorists slipping under the raider claiming refugee status.

If the European Union, had rejected Nicolas Sarkozy’s signature back in 2008 (which is what they should have done), and respected the French voters who voted against The Lisbon Treaty on a majority (and suspended the introduction of it), the English may not have been so keen on a BREXIT today.

Nicolas Sarkozy’s argument was ‘we don’t need the French to vote in order to introduce a treaty’; but in actual fact once a referendum is given it must be honored, in accordance the Constitution of the 5th French Republic; Title I: Sovereignity and Title VI: Treaties and international agreements.

French voters were angry with Sarkozy, for this violation to their political rights and rightfully so; however, the European Union, had NO RIGHT to accept Sarkozy’s signature and introduce the Lisbon Treaty against the will of the MAJORITY of French voters. So in my opinion, the breach is against the European Union, and IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CURRENT PRESIDENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION TO THIS ACT.

Now what have we got?

The UK have finally left the European Union and if you ask me, it serves the European Union Right!

I hope the French will too stand up to the European Union and take back what’s theirs, FRANCE!

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